BISS Ch Greenstone's One In The Chamber

Bullet was a wonderful boy who was honored with some very nice wins in the show ring. But he didn't love that life so he traded it for a family of his very own and went on to be a service dog for Canine Literacy.


- Show Record -
Select Dog at 2013 Dallas-Ft. Worth LRC Specialty under Jim Bowron
Best of Breed at 2013 Dallas-Ft. Worth LRC Specialty under Barb Nowak
WD and Best Bred By Exhibitor at 2012 Greater Denver Labrador Retriever Club under Barbara Gilchrist — NEW CHAMPION
Best Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes at 2012 Greater Denver LRC under Mary Roseberry
Best Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes at 2012 Greater Denver LRC under Jennifer Kelly
WD and BOW at Comal County KC ’12 under Kimberly Meredith-Cavanna
WD at Trinity Valley KC ’12 under Paula Nykiel
WD, BOW and BOB at KC of Greater Victoria ’12 under Meghan Riese Bassel
WD, BOW and BOB at KC of Greater Victoria ’12 under Anne Katona
WD and Best Puppy at 2012 San Diego LRC at 7 months of age under Linda Bednarski
Best Opposite Sex in Sweeps at 2012 San Diego LRC under Shelah Frey